Strokkur Geyser, Witnessing the Wonder of Nature

Last update: July 6, 2024 in Activities & Places
Strokkur Geyser, Witnessing the Wonder of Nature
Strokkur Geyser, Witnessing the Wonder of Nature © Corepics Vof,

Strokkur Geyser erupts about every 4-8 minutes. The name Strokkur translates as ‘piston’, ‘cylinder’ or ‘The Churn’, and is the second most famous geyser in Iceland, the first being the Great Geysir, 50 metres away to the north.

The temperature of the surrounding volcanic rock, approximately 200° Celsius, heats the underground water causing it to expand and to force its way up to the surface. It is the combination of water and steam that forms the eruption.

Due to the reliability of its eruptions, Strokkur is a popular tourist attraction. It is surrounded by mud pools, fumaroles, algal deposits and other geysers. Both Strokkur and the Great Geysir form part of the Golden Circle, the most famous and well-travelled tourist route in Iceland. There are many guided tours available to discover the area in and around the Golden Circle.