Visit Komodo National Park for a Dive with Manta Ray

Last update: March 30, 2024 in Activities & Places
Visit Komodo National Park for a Dive with Manta Ray
© J. Henning Buchholz |

Komodo National Park in Indonesia is one of the most beautiful places in the world for diving and watching the manta ray. Seeing manta rays in the wild is possibly one of the favourite experiences of many divers.

Many species of manta regularly visit reefs to clean themselves and be fed, as organisms at the reefs make up one of their primary food sources. Unfortunately, human activity destroys coral gardens and mantas are now being driven to extinction. But manta rays attract thousands of visitors on a regular basis and the global value of tourism generated by manta rays is estimated to exceed $100 million. So supporting them just makes common sense: not only are they beautiful creatures, but protecting them will bring greater economic and environmental value.

Why not visit the beautiful Komodo National Park in Indonesia with the help of an organised tour, and take advantage of manta ray diving in a tropical setting?