Lying within the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest, Dunstable Downs is a chalk escarpment and the...
Lying within the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest, Dunstable Downs is a chalk escarpment and the highest point in Bedfordshire at around 243 m (800 ft) above sea level. Rare and uncommon plants and butterflies abound, making it a great place for naturalists.
The Icknield Way, a long dista...
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Lying within the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest, Dunstable Downs is a chalk escarpment and the highest point in Bedfordshire at around 243 m (800 ft) above sea level. Rare and uncommon plants and butterflies abound, making it a great place for naturalists.
The Icknield Way, a long distance track which has been used since Neolithic times, runs through the area. Among other ancient attractions there is a burial ground, also dating back to Neolithic times, and a mediaeval rabbit warren. The London Gliding Club uses the downs and gliders, hang gliders and paragliders are frequently seen in the area; kite flying is also a popular activity.