A former country house lies at the heart of this park, formed from its estate and covering around 413 acres of meadows and woodlands, interspersed with brooks and...
A former country house lies at the heart of this park, formed from its estate and covering around 413 acres of meadows and woodlands, interspersed with brooks and lakes. There are habitats for Muntjac deer, rabbits and pheasants; and ducks and geese can be seen on the two large lakes and smaller ponds. This large open space on the edges of London provides plen...
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A former country house lies at the heart of this park, formed from its estate and covering around 413 acres of meadows and woodlands, interspersed with brooks and lakes. There are habitats for Muntjac deer, rabbits and pheasants; and ducks and geese can be seen on the two large lakes and smaller ponds. This large open space on the edges of London provides plenty of opportunities for jogging, walking, cycling, horse riding and golfing. Fishing by licence and educational walks are also available.