Cnicht is a mountain near the village of Croesor, in Snowdonia, in the county of Gwynedd, Wales. It makes part of the Moelwynion range. Its height reaches 689 m (2260 feet). The summit has a distin...
Cnicht is a mountain near the village of Croesor, in Snowdonia, in the county of Gwynedd, Wales. It makes part of the Moelwynion range. Its height reaches 689 m (2260 feet). The summit has a distinctive form, pointed with sheer faces on either sides and nicknamed the "Welsh Matterhon". In reality, Cnicht is the end of fine ridge and its conical shape is in fact a cross section of the mountain....
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Cnicht is a mountain near the village of Croesor, in Snowdonia, in the county of Gwynedd, Wales. It makes part of the Moelwynion range. Its height reaches 689 m (2260 feet). The summit has a distinctive form, pointed with sheer faces on either sides and nicknamed the "Welsh Matterhon". In reality, Cnicht is the end of fine ridge and its conical shape is in fact a cross section of the mountain. It requires a middle scramble to reach its summit.