The Roaches is a prominent rocky ridge located above Leek and Tittesworth Reservoir, in the Peak Distrit of England, in the north of the county of Staffordshire. It has a height of 505 metres (1657...
The Roaches is a prominent rocky ridge located above Leek and Tittesworth Reservoir, in the Peak Distrit of England, in the north of the county of Staffordshire. It has a height of 505 metres (1657 feet). Along with Hen Cloud and Ramshaw Rocks, form a gritstone escarpment, very popular with rock climbers, hikers and freerunners. It is very busy particularly at in weekends. Doxey Pool can be fou...
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The Roaches is a prominent rocky ridge located above Leek and Tittesworth Reservoir, in the Peak Distrit of England, in the north of the county of Staffordshire. It has a height of 505 metres (1657 feet). Along with Hen Cloud and Ramshaw Rocks, form a gritstone escarpment, very popular with rock climbers, hikers and freerunners. It is very busy particularly at in weekends. Doxey Pool can be found along the top track of The Roaches. This small pool of water is not very deep, but yet a distinctive feature when you find it.