This renowned seaside resort features a long stretch of sandy beach, set in a bay, which runs from St Mary's Island in the north to Cullercoats in the south. St Mar...
This renowned seaside resort features a long stretch of sandy beach, set in a bay, which runs from St Mary's Island in the north to Cullercoats in the south. St Mary's Island can be reached at low tides and is a Local Nature Reserve. Rocky outcrops provide opportunities for exploring and rock pools. Activities in this Marine Conservation Society Recommended reso...
This renowned seaside resort features a long stretch of sandy beach, set in a bay, which runs from St Mary's Island in the north to Cullercoats in the south. St Mary's Island can be reached at low tides and is a Local Nature Reserve. Rocky outcrops provide opportunities for exploring and rock pools. Activities in this Marine Conservation Society Recommended resort include sea fishing, sea kayaking, swimming, diving and scuba diving, surfing, sailing and paddle boarding. There are a host of traditional seaside amusements here too. Walk along the sea front or climb the 137 steps to the top of St Mary's Lighthouse for stunning views across the coast.