Designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest, Wookey Hole is a show cave in the village with the same name. The cave chambers were formed through erosion by River Axe, and it was the home of th...
Designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest, Wookey Hole is a show cave in the village with the same name. The cave chambers were formed through erosion by River Axe, and it was the home of the first cave dives in United Kingdom.
There is scientific evidence that humans inhabited the cave for around 50,000 years. Even nowadays, due to its constant temperature of 11°C (52°F), the ca...
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Designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest, Wookey Hole is a show cave in the village with the same name. The cave chambers were formed through erosion by River Axe, and it was the home of the first cave dives in United Kingdom.
There is scientific evidence that humans inhabited the cave for around 50,000 years. Even nowadays, due to its constant temperature of 11°C (52°F), the caves are used for maturing Cheddar cheese by Ford Farm in Dorset.
Witch of Wookey Hole, a human shaped rock outcrop, is one of the most popular attractions in the cave. It is said that a witch was turned to stone by a monk who was taking his revenge for his lost love.